As the founder of Tri-State Tomorrow and the creator of and, most of you all know by now that I have a vision. I have a vision that sometime during my lifetime Evansville will pass other cities and become the city it’s suppose to be. I also have a plan. A plan to not only save Roberts Stadium but to keep it profitable as well, a plan to build the best ball field complex in the U.S next to Bosse Field and Garvin Park, and a plan to take the new arena to even greater heights.
Since I started the group and my blogs, the support from local citizens has been nothing short of tremendous. Unfortunately, that enthusiasm has not been shared by city officials. That’s why I am sending an open invitation to the mayor and any city official who is interested.
Roberts Stadium has been an Evansville icon for over 50 years. It has served Evansville well and I will fight for it until the last brick is removed. Mayor Weinzapfel, I believe we can keep Roberts Stadium profitable by keeping the Home Show there and adding indoor recreational activities. Would you be interested in sitting down with me to make Roberts Stadium work financially?
The ball field complex is a good idea but we need to put it next to Bosse Field where each field pays tribute to a historic ball field and the complex pays tribute to baseball’s golden age. Mayor Weinzapfel, I’m willing to volunteer all my time at no taxpayer expense to help you put this plan together and make it work. Would you be willing to help me?
Mayor Weinzapfel, in an effort to take the new arena to even greater heights, I am willing to personally go with you and city officials all the way to the NBA World Headquarters in Secaucus, NJ to let them know that Evansville is open for business for a NBDL expansion team. Furthermore, I’m willing to volunteer all my time to try to get the Bluecats back and to get USI and the NCAA to play games and tournaments here.
I graduated from the University of Kentucky in 2009 with a degree in marketing and management in sports. I can think of no better time to make my degree work. I worked for this education so that I could be in this position to help Evansville and its rich sports history thrive. I also fully believe that Evansville will be behind us in this plan. I only have one more question for you: Are you in?