Today, the 10,000th visitor clicked on Evansville Moving Forward today. All I can say is WOW! When I started this blog last year, I never dreamed that it would be this successful but indeed it has.
In my opinion, Evansville Moving Forward has already played a key role in getting the word out about the Save Roberts Stadium movement, the High Speed Rail movement, as well as the Downtown Revitalization movement in such a short amount of time.
Most importantly, EMF has inspired debate. One of the main reasons that I started this blog was my belief that since the 2001 downtown master plan came out Evansville has failed to propose ideas, unite as one city, and discuss issues that plague our town.
I hope you the readers of this blog have taken time to look over all the ideas that I have put on this blog and will do some research yourselves to compile a list of your own ideas. I hope this blog motivates you to look at other cities and see what has made them successful(such as OKC, Indianapolis, Louisville, and Omaha).
Lastly, I hope you will continue to support EMF and my group Tri-State Tomorrow (!/group.php?gid=10150104705160244) as well as my other blog Without your support, we won't be able to get a single thing accomplished. With your support, we will be able to get Evansville moving forward and take it into the upper echlon of great American cities.
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